What is a typical day like for a Techstars founder during the accelerator?

Modified on Fri, 17 May 2024 at 10:35 AM

The program calendar will be filled with various components ranging from mentor chats, masterclasses, office hours, pitch practice and opportunities to connect with your program peers. If you are part of an in-person program, you can choose to work out of the Techstars office if you’d like, or you can work anywhere else that you might prefer. We also expect many of the mentors to drop into Techstars at various times throughout the program. In general though, you’ll be working on your product each day, just like all of the other founders in the program. We don’t tell you what to do or when, but we create an environment that is conducive to helping your startup every day. And we’ll make sure you have lots of experienced mentors around to help you. Feel free to check out this Day in the life of Techstars video featuring a few program founders, or join a Virtual Meet and Greet for more information.

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